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RM {{ item.is_auction == 1 ? getAuctionPrice(item) : getPrice(item.variation) }} x {{ item.quantity }}

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Privacy Policy



1.1 Any information relating to or directly describing prohibited and restricted items is prohibited from being listed on Kraftangan. It is the Seller’s responsibility to ensure that their proposed item complies with all laws and can be listed for sale in accordance with Kraftangan’s policies prior to listing any item on Kraftangan’s platform. Kraftangan is entitled to take measures against sellers for violating any of these rules in accordance with Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy of Kraftangan. A non-exhaustive guideline on prohibited and restricted items are exhibited below for the Seller’s ease of reference. Kraftangan will update this guideline as and when necessary. Please visit this page regularly for updates.

1.2 No user shall evade these rules or content stipulated in other regulations and announcements of prohibited and restricted items by any means. Otherwise, they shall subject to severe punishment.


  1. Firearms and dangerous weapons;
  2. illegal drugs, precursor chemicals, and drug related tools;
  3. Flammable, Explosive, and Dangerous Chemicals;
  4. Destructive information such as reactionary information;
  5. Pornographic, vulgar, and aphrodisiac materials;
  6. Items and Information Involving Personal Safety and Privacy;
  7. Medicine, Medical Apparatuses, and Beauty Apparatuses;
  8. Illegal Services, Documents, and Bills;
  9. Animal and wildlife products (including, without limitation, wild animals);
  10. Illegal Income Involving Stealing and Software, Tools or Devices that are used for Illegal Purposes;
  11. Tobacco and Its Products and Electronic Cigarettes;
  12. Artifacts and antiquities;
  13. Counterfeit currency and stamps;
  14. Credit and debit cards;
  15. Currency or credits including, without limitation, digital currency or credits, and stored value cards;
  16. Embargoed goods;
  17. Alcohol;
  18. Government or Police related items such as badges, insignia or uniforms;
  19. Human parts or remains;
  20. Lock-picking devices;
  21. Lottery tickets;
  22. Potentially infringing items: Items including but not limited to replicas, counterfeit items, and unauthorised copies of a product or item which may be in violation of certain copyrights, trademarks, or other intellectual property rights of third parties;
  23. Stolen goods;
  24. Any other items that are, or that contain components that are (i) illegal or restricted in the jurisdiction of the Buyer and/or the Seller or which otherwise encourage illegal or restricted activities, or (ii) determined by any governmental or regulatory authority to pose a potential health or safety risk.

2.1 If you see a listing that violates our policies, please report it to us by sending us an email to When a policy violation occurs, the Seller will be notified such violation by way of email, system message and push notification and that listing will be removed from our Website immediately. The Buyer of that said listing will also be notified by a push notification. You are responsible in ensuring that your phone settings allow the receipt of push notifications.


3.1 Violations refer to illegal behavior that violates national laws, regulations, rules, policies, and orders or violating stipulations of the service agreement or platform rules and actions suspected of damaging the legal interests of Buyers, merchants or other related subjects.

3.2 Violations of this Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy may subject the Seller to a range of adverse actions, including but not limited to any or all of the following:

  1. Listing deletion;
  2. Restrict the listing of new items by the Seller;
  3. Public notice in the merchant management system of Kraftangan and on merchant forums;
  4. Account suspension and termination;
  5. Legal actions.

3.3 It is at Kraftangan’s absolute discretion to decide on the severity of the measures taken in accordance with the severity of such violation and/or repeated violations.

3.4 In the event of serious behavior such as malicious evasion (including but not limited circumstances where the Seller is hiding, covering up, and being vague in listings as a means of evading platform management, the platform reasonably believes that the account or other accounts are controlled by the Seller who has previously been punished due to serious violation or the platform has reasons to believe that the circumstances severely affect the platform or negatively impacts the platform although not being formally investigated), Kraftangan reserves the right to directly seize the Seller account without prior notice.


4.1 This Policy shall form part of the General Terms and Conditions and the contents herein shall always be read together with the General Terms and Condition.

4.2 All concerns relating to this Policy should be directed to Kraftangan Customer Care at